April is for Aperol Spritz

The Aperol Spritz has taken the UK and Europe by storm.
Until around five years ago, the Venetian Spritz was a delicacy reserved for the swathes of tourists visiting the North of Italy.
Naturally, the locals across Italy’s towns and cities enjoyed the Aperitivo all year round, and would be seen looking effortlessly cool as they gathered outside of the bars and cafes enjoying these brilliantly orange, and insanely refreshing spritz cocktails.
For us here at FREDS, the spritz epitomises the elegant and refined drinking culture of Italy.
The balance of sweet, bitter, strong and weak ingredients, makes the spritz refreshing and enjoyable…especially so, pre-dinner.
The colour of Aperol makes the Spritz instantly recognisable and many Scots could be forgiven for thinking it was a jazzed up glass of Irn Bru.
A Spritz is effervescent and light. As the drink has a lower alcohol content and a lower liquid volume, it’s a perfectly suitable alternative to a G&T, or a Beer.
Anyone, almost anywhere can make a great Spritz AND you can learn how to adapt the recipe to best suit your taste (with no need for equipment or special mixing tools).
Check our HOW TO video, make your own and share your pics with us @FredsDrinks.
Most importantly, enjoy! Saluti!